Kinetic Catamarans Build Update | 01

The Kinetic yard is currently closed during the 21-day national lockdown in accordance with the laws set by the South African government due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For the safety and wellbeing of all of our staff, we will reopen the yard for production as soon as it is deemed safe to do so.

Ahead of the pandemic, we had made some exciting progress on the KC5401 that we’re itching to get back to.

We can’t wait to get back into the yard and stuck into this very exciting build after which we will continue onto the KC6202 and KC5402. Here’s another look at the renders of the completed KC54 to whet your appetite. Until next time, stay safe & stay indoors!


Test sail with Multihulls World


Design Q&A with Maarten Voogd from Simonis Voogd